For over 95 years, Martha Lloyd Community Services has provided opportunities and lifestyle choices for persons with Intellectual Disabilities and Autism. As a recognized leader in the field, Martha Lloyd has expanded its programs through the years, to meet the changing needs of persons with disabilities.
The organization is located in Bradford and Tioga Counties in North Central Pennsylvania, where residents thrive in community settings. Programs and services are provided in close knit communities throughout the 2 counties. The main administrative offices are located in the town of Troy, PA.
Comprehensive services are provided to men and women 18 and older who become active and valued participants in their communities. Martha Lloyd Community Services provides a continuum of care: residential services; adult day services; and senior services; plus health, recreational, exercise and dietary programs.
Our family of 150 individuals lives, works, and thrives in the communities in which we operate. Martha Lloyd residents, along with staff, participate in the events and happenings of their communities. The relationships developed between Martha Lloyd Community Services and the local communities are very special. Neighborhood businesses and organizations also recognize how important this bond is. Area business and community leaders team with family members to help direct our efforts through our Board of Directors.
Our mission statement exemplifies our philosophy: “Providing services to support and empower people with varying abilities” Residents acquire skills to maximize their own potential for independent functioning, and transition to more self-reliant situations.
Fax: 570-297-1019
© 2024 Martha Lloyd Community Services