Message from the President

Message from the President

I am thrilled to introduce myself as the new President/CEO of Martha Lloyd Community Services. It is both an honor and a privilege to join such a remarkable organization dedicated to empowering and supporting individuals. Throughout my career, I have been passionate...
Thank you Troy High School Band

Thank you Troy High School Band

The September 2024 celebration with friends and family was another special time for all at Martha Lloyd. Inviting the Troy HS band to play was like opening the door of opportunity. The excitement you have brought to the day is infectious. As I was escorting the band...
2024 Family Day

2024 Family Day

On September 6, 2024, our annual Family Day was held.  Many family members attended the event where they could visit with their loved ones and learn about what is new at Martha Lloyd Community Services.  A wonderful chicken bar-b-que was held for all individuals who...
Blood Drive

Blood Drive

  On Friday, October 25, 2024, Martha Lloyd Community Services held a Red Cross Blood Drive on campus. This was an eventful day with beautiful weather. Pre-registered donors gathered for several hours. Two food trucks were also present with plenty of options for...
Raise the Region

Raise the Region

This year Martha Lloyd Community Services is participating in the Raise the Region® Campaign. Raise the Region® is a unique 30-hour online giving campaign that gives community members an opportunity to support our local nonprofits by helping them raise as much money...
Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Are you looking to join a team where your talents and enthusiasm will have a positive impact?  Do you believe that everyone needs to feel belonging-an inviting home, career, hobbies, friendships, family, and community?  If so, we would love to talk to you about some...